Miscellany Greene's Opening Celebration
Join us Saturday, October 15th
Open House 3p-7p
Join us for light & lovely offerings of nibbles & libations
We welcome special guest artist
Carol Cramer's
InWhat Remains
Notes from Carol-
I have been making art most of my life. In one form or another. Painting, drawing, working with flowers & gardening, continually exploring & experimenting with all medias and imagery.
Most recently I have been working on small abstract pieces that are made through a process of layering paint, paper, wax & then buffing, sanding & reworking each until it has lost its original meaning and purpose.
Lost in the chronology between creation and decay. Objects taht have lost their original meaning and purpose leaving a worn and weathered memory, a fragment of a puzzle that the box has gone missing.
A picture so faded that you can not remember where or when it is from. As you try, the stories all intertwine, overlap and blur. It may just be a hit of a leaf or a smudge of blue but you can recall how the sun felt and sound of the sea, in what remains.